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Greeting to be The 107th Annual
for Japan Society
of Aesthetic Surgery's chairman

このたび、第107回 日本美容外科学会長に選任され、大変光栄に存じますとともに、ここに就任のご挨拶をさせていただきます。

Dear Friends!
Today I would like to greet everyone and express my sincere feelings of honor to be appointed as a Chairman of the 107th Japan Society for Aesthetic Surgery.


The situation surrounding Japan has dramatically changed in 35 years after I became a cosmetic surgeon due to the processes of globalization and society aging.


Since that time plenty of new values and new technologies were born, and I think that both the needs required to cosmetic surgery as well as its evaluation by society have changed in terms of good and bad aspects at the same time.


However, I must say there is one thing that has been constantly kept since I became a cosmetic surgeon 35 years ago. That thing is the feeling of confidence to patients given by the cosmetic surgery by relieving them from complexes. This is kind of medical treatment that can make my patients feel positive.


I think that within diverse values of today’s society each cosmetic surgeon will encounter many unknown tasks within diverse values.


Our academic society would like to rethink again about "What is cosmetic surgery?", "What is the role of "cosmetic surgery in society "?" and would like to have each individual think about what he/she must do now throughout our society.


The Society is going to be an academic society involving participation of various human resources. For that reason, we would like to welcome the participation in general subjects, symposiums and special lectures of different members, and would like you to do a "new discovery" of the various values we receive from everyone.


This is what Peter Drucker says.


“The only thing we know about the future is that it is going to be different.”


The future will definitely be an era different from now. And I think that demands from society required for cosmetic surgery will change accordingly. In order to respond to these requests, I think that each cosmetic surgeon will encounter new problems one after another. I hope that you will solve the problems one by one with the "new discoveries" learned through our society.


My role is to take over the history of the Society so far and to constantly continue it for the sake of next generations. For this purpose, we feel we need everyone’s cooperation.



I think that challenges to meet the needs of society are held not only by our Society but also by other societies as well. And I think that our Society will manage with collaboration of other societies. In order to make it a better society, I would like to encourage the guidance and encouragement of many people, such as Society members as well as everyone interested in cosmetic surgical field and everyone at other societies. I sincerely hope we will have a better academic meeting with everyone’s collaboration.


We sincerely thank you for your active participation.

第107回 日本美容外科学会サイトはこちら


